Saturday, September 4, 2010

Not Purple Hearts

I'm sure that once upon a time this was a beautiful little girl's room.
But the pink hearts had to go.
 Took me a while to get them down because I couldn't spend too much time on the ladder at one time but, my little ladder station with my little Shark Steamer worked well.
 Now, notice the time difference of each of the following pictures to see how long it took to do this small section.  The steamer worked fine.  It was my leg muscles and new knee that didn't want to cooperate.  Standing on a ladder, I found out, is good leg exercise as much as climbing it.  I had to stop occasionally and use my muscles differently, like sweeping up the wall paper bits, take pictures, drink some cold water out of the new frig and of course sit at an open window on this breezy, cool day & look down at the creek from the back bedroom. Bending my legs to sit gave them a good rest.  No kidding.

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